Fresh Ginger-Beet Juice

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The lovely thing about juicing is that one can throw pretty much everything into the juicer: fruit, veg, greens… or a combination of all. Whatever you’ve got at home and feel like today. A glass of fresh juice is incredibly energizing and has long since replaced my morning coffee crave.

We usually juice more in the summer than winter months, due to the variety of fresh fruit and vegetables available as well as just the temperatures outside. In winter, I go for a cup of warm tea more often.Isabel Essen_Healthy Eats_Ginger-Beet Juice_04

One of the secret ingredients I love to add when I do make juice though, is fresh ginger. Ginger gives your juice another extra kick and works well in red as well as green juices of all kind.

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Enjoy my ginger-beet juice recipe below and let us know what you and your family think of it!


Fresh Ginger-Beet Juice

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Yield: Around 700ml

Serving Size: 200ml

Fresh Ginger-Beet Juice

Author: Recipe by Isabel Essen - Healthy Eats (


  • 3 medium beets, cut in quarters
  • 3 medium apples, cut in wedges
  • 4 small pears, cut in wedges
  • 3 medium carrots, whole
  • 1 piece fresh ginger (size to your liking)


  1. Wash all raw vegetables and fruit.
  2. Process through juicer one by one (following manufacturer’s directions).
  3. Add additional pieces of fruit or veg to your liking.
  4. Enjoy a glass immediately or store in the fridge for up to 3 days.


Optional: Add ice to glasses when serving.

No need to throw away carrot and beet greens! Just juice them as well!