
Feel free to contact me directly or use the Contact Form below to get in touch.

As a Yoga & Partner Acrobatics teacher, I am interested in setting up weekly classes in our new chosen home close to Stuttgart, Germany, teach at workshops and events and am available for individual or small group private lessons, introductory workshops at your studio, specialized sessions (e.g. Acro for Dancers), events or corporate sessions. Contact me for pricing and to discuss your ideas.

As a Development Consultant, I would love to support you in reaching your goals – or maybe even walk together towards identifying those goals in the first place.

And as a passionate Healthy Eats foodie, it would be a pleasure to hear your feedback, thoughts and suggestions.

Get in touch. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Contact Details

Isabel Essen_Contact 02

Isabel Essen

Development Consultancy | Yoga & Partner Acrobatics | Healthy Eats

Stuttgart, Germany

Mobile: +49 (0)176 7588 1109



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Contact Form

Fill in the form below to send me your comments, questions, suggestions and inquiries.

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